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Transforming your new year's resolution in goals

Organize your goals by applying business methods

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We are almost finishing the first month of the year. Is your new year's resolution on track? I hope all divas reading this post would say a sound 'Yes!'. However, research says that 80% of new year's resolution fail by February. If, for some reason your answer was 'maybe' or 'I don't really remember my resolution', don't worry! There is still time to go back on track before February arrives and escape the lame statistics.

Why new year's resolution are a good idea

Purpose comes before anything else. New year's resolution is the change you want to drive in your life during the year, usually to improve wellness, cultivate good habits and get rid of bad ones (e.g.: more real world interaction, less time staring at phone's screen), focus on relationships that matter, learning something new, setting professional goals. The list can go on for another page. Although purposes will vary, the path for success is quite straightforward. By dedicating time thinking about what you want to accomplish and how, you focus your energy to turn your dreams into reality. As Lewis Carrol would say, "If you don't know where you a going, any road will take you there".

How do you document your new year's resolution?

I write mine down in my journal, go back to it some times during the year and, by December, I return to my journal and write a balance of what I have accomplished, what I haven't and what I could've done better. I thought this was a good method as the balance by the end of the year is usually positive. But I realized that if I really want to transform my personal and professional life, I'll need to go a step further. So, this year, I'll break down my resolution in goals, record them electronically and connect then to my calendar to review and adjust them on a monthly basis, instead of sporadically.

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What type of goals should I have?

If you are in the business world, you've heard of SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. For example, if in my journal I have something like ' evolve meditation practice by classes, readings', my correspondent goals will be something like:

- Practice meditation consistently: minimum 10 to 15 min a day

- Take 10 meditation classes by end of March

- Read 2 meditation books by end of May

- Participate on a meditation retreat by August

- Write a post about meditation talking about my experience by October

If you are thinking that this is a good idea, but it seems to be too much work, you are right! It will take me many hours to transform my 3 pages of new years' resolution in real goals, but I am pretty sure that I'll thank myself in December when I review the results.

Don't overthink and find excuses, just imagine that this is a work or school project that you have to deliver by end of the week. There is nothing more important than your life plans, so it shouldn't be too hard to convince yourself that this is a good idea. Divas, let's go on this together! I will also spend 1 to 2h this week plus sometime over next weekend if needed to write down my goals for 2019. Next Monday, we'll reconnect to exchange experiences.

If you need extra motivation, go to @ideasfordivas on Twitter or check Facebook page.


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